Writing a paper for English? Get scholarly articles from the English E-Resources page
Step 1: Click on one of the databases listed here - I suggest MLA, Literature Resource Center or Literature Reference Center. Try the Canadian Literary Center if you are studing a Canadian author.
(If you are connecting from off-campus your User ID is the barcode from your ID card and your PIN is the last 4 digits of your student ID number)
Step 2: Type in the name of the novel, poem, or short story that you are studying then click the Search button.
Step 3: From the list that comes up, click on the title of the article to read a summary about it and decide if you want to view the whole article.
Step 4: If there is a Full-Text link, click on that to open the article. If there is no Full-Text link, click on the "Where can I find this" link to see if Concordia has that article in a different database, then open the full-text.
Step 5: If Concordia doesn't have the article, use the Request feature to order it in.
Step 6: Need more? Try searching the author's name or the theme/topic you are discussing, such as Responsibility in Frankenstein or feminism in Virginia Woolf
If you need help with your research, contact the library Information Desk in person, via telephone at 780-479-9324, or online using our chat window.
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