Thursday, December 16, 2010

JSTOR Enhancements

JSTOR is enhancing its platform with the following functionality on December 18, 2010:

  • The ability to register for Table of Contents (TOC) emails and alerts when new content matches saved search terms.
  • More formats including full-text HTML and downloadable PDFs for all current journal issues
  • Multimedia files for some journals

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Food For Fines ends Dec. 17th

Clear your library fees before the holidays so you can view your grades online and end the year on a high note. The library's Food For Fines program ends on Friday Dec. 17th and campus closes on Tuesday Dec. 21st.

While you're here, pick up a DVD or book to take home over the holidays. There are still many items on our Christmas display and DVD shelves. You can read by the fire with a cup of hot cocoa or watch a movie with friends as the snow falls outside.

However you spend your holidays, we hope you enjoy them!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Merry Christmas To All!

Merry Christmas and Best wishes for the New Year from the Staff at
Concordia University College of Alberta.
Dan, Karen, Erica, Anna, Nelson,
Wilda, Jan, Lynette, Myrna,
Debbie, Jenna, and Adeline

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pimp My Bookcart Runner Up!

Breaking news! Concordia's WorldCat Cart has been named runner-up in the Pimp My Bookcart contest hosted by Unshelved!

As the judges say, "The plush-covered cart and feline face initially caught our attention, but when we read that the globe was made from a yoga ball and paper-maché we knew it deserved a prize. Congratulations to the Concordia University College Library for this serious library punnage, which wins a $50 gift certificate to the Unshelved Store."

Congratulations to Jenna and Myrna!!